Are you struggling with what items and classroom supplies to add to your classroom wish list? I can never think of what to add to my classroom wish list at the start of the school year, but (without fail) think of countless things throughout the year that I wish I would have added to the list.
I have been so blessed by families and school organizations that are SO generous in helping stock my classroom for the year. Every year, I hesitantly put up a display like this on the wall for Meet The Teacher and Curriculum Night...and every year, I am blown away by the generosity and support that I receive from my kiddos' families.
Here are 10 things that you should consider putting on your classroom wish list this year:

Personal Laminator: I was given a personal laminator as a gift my first year of teaching and could not love it more. I love the flexibility that it gives me to create classroom activities in my classroom or on my couch - regardless of whether the school laminator is "out of service" for the 10th time this year.
Flare Pens: Okay, I debated whether or not to put this on the list. The bottom line is that writing in pretty colors with high quality pens will change the game. How can you be in a bad mood grading papers on a Friday night (Who, me? Never!) when you're using a lavender colored flare pen?
Classroom Set of Whiteboards (or Clip Boards): A classroom set of white boards is the perfect way to get all of your students involved in a review activity or guided practice. I love having the students write their answers on a white board and hold them up on the count of three. This allows for a quick check as to which students have grasped the concept, and which students need a little extra support.
Fun or Flexible Seating: I can't explain why sitting in a bean bag or rocking chair is such a treat for an eleven year old, but just trust me! I use popsicle sticks with each student's name and draw them to choose a few students to sit in the "comfy seats" during independent work time. I also have a set of wobble stools for those kiddos that need a little wiggle to help them focus.
Classroom Incentives: I love asking my families to help me stock up on classroom incentives at the start of the year. Otherwise, I end up spending way too much of my own money on candy or prizes. With my 6th graders, I love keeping small, individually wrapped candy on hand.
Organizational Bins: I strongly recommend setting up systems in your classroom that help both you and the kids stay organized. I have clearly labeled open top bins on a book shelf for student supplies. This allows the students to have a one-stop shop for any classroom supplies. It also makes it clear that the flare pen on my teacher desk is not for them to grab! I also have labeled, stackable bins with lids that I keep in my classroom cabinets. These are perfect for organizing task cards, supplies for specific activities, and seasonal decorations.
Presentation Clicker: I write this one in self pity, because my classroom clicker actually broke this week and I am not over it. I LOVE using a presentation clicker when doing direct instruction with my class. This allows me to freely move about the room and not feel like I am "stuck" behind my laptop just to click to the next slide. I will definitely be adding one of these to my teacher wish list next year.
Plug In Scent Refills: This one is a MUST - at least when you live in Texas and recess is H-O-T and S-T-I-N-K-Y. Choose a scent for your wall plug in that you love and add a pack of refills to your classroom wish list.
String Lights & Lamps: I don't know about you, but I cannot handle the harsh lighting in my classroom. I am no vampire, but I would keep those lights off 100% of the time, if I could. I have asked for lamps and string lights over the years that have allowed me to create a cozy environment, that is bright enough to not feel like nap time!
Additional Student Classroom Supplies: If there is any other necessary classroom supply that the kids do not supply for themselves, try to stock up at the start of the year. Some must-have items that I do not receive from the student supply list (or always seem to run out of) are glue sticks, rolls of tape, pencils, and student scissors.
Let me know what your must-have teacher wish list items are!
Here is a link to the Teacher Wish List Display that I use each year, as well as a few of my favorite back to school resources!