Happy Valentine's Day! I previously shared some simple ways that you can share the love in your classroom this Valentine's Day. However, we all know that there is a lot more to Valentine's Day than just that hour long (sugar filled) class party. What I have found over the years is that the kids are shocked when you have them "do school" on the day of a class party. "WHAT?!! We have to do SCHOOL today?" To this I say, "Wow!! A teacher? Making their kids do school?!"
I have found the perfect strategy for getting your kiddos to happily "do school" on the day of a class party. The key is to align your activities for the day with the theme of the holiday. In this post, I have compiled a list of awesome Valentine's Day resources and activities that you can incorporate in your classroom. I have a feeling your kids will LOVE them.
Valentine's Day Measuring the Speed of Light with Chocolate (Grades 6-8): This resource by Science and STEAM Team "gives directions for a cool science experiment: measuring the speed of light! It includes a worksheet for students to show their calculations and a poster of the electromagnetic spectrum."
Valentine's Day Heart Health Nonfiction Text and STEM Activities (Grades 1-3): This resource by Science and STEAM Team "is a non-fiction science text about heart health. There are a variety of activities that are perfect for Valentine's Day week. The text is an independent read for upper elementary grades but would make a great read-aloud for the kindergarten and first grade."
Valentine's Day Grammar Review Task Cards (Grades 6-8): This grammar activity by Teacher in the Rye is a fun way to review some common grammar topics, such as Simple Subjects, Simple Predicates, Direct Objects, Proper Nouns, and Double Negatives.
Valentine's Day Following Directions Coloring Activity for Listening Skills (Grades K-1): Are your students not listening or struggling to follow your directions? Use these no-prep, Valentine's Day, follow the directions worksheets by Creative COTA LLC to promote fine motor, visual motor, listening, and reading skills. Students must listen to or read the directions to complete the coloring pages correctly. Great for holiday celebrations, centers, workstations, occupational or speech therapy sessions, early finishers or they can be left for a substitute.
Reader's Theater Valentine's Mystery Script (Grades 5-8): This high interest grade 5-8 Readers’ Theater brain teaser mystery script by Brilliantly Lit will give Drama and ELA students practice in reading aloud, comprehension and writing, while having lots of fun. The Mystery of the Anonymous Valentine readers’ theater script will entertain your Valentine's crazed students and require them to perform inference tasks to solve clues.
Valentine's Day Student Gift Tags - Science Theme (All Grades): Are you looking for a stress-free way to be festive in your classroom this Valentine's Day? Are you looking for the perfect science themed "Happy Valentine's Day" gift tag for your students? Download this adorable, printable gift tag by S'more Time for Teaching in FIVE designs.
Valentine's Day Activities and Worksheets for Kindergarten (Grades PreK-2): These fun kindergarten activities by Mrs. Lena will get your kiddos practicing thinking skills, ordinal numbers, geometry, sequence, pattern, direction, size, sorting, and data.
Valentine's Day Writing Activity (All Grades): This activity by S'more Time for Teaching will get your students writing and showing kindness! Have your students write an encouraging note to a classmate or friend telling them why they love them. Or, have them bring home sweet Valentine's Day notes to their family!
Valentines Day Poetry Writing Fun (Grades 4-8): This adorable writing resource by Tea4Teacher includes 10 fun poems to write for Valentine's Day! Keep the kids busy and learning all about poetry. Comes with Valentine's poetry worksheets and accompanying PowerPoint instructions!
Valentine's Day Science Activity - Calculating Speed Color by Number (Grades 6-8): This adorable Valentine's Day color by number activity by S'more Time for Teaching is the perfect way to practice calculating average speed with your kiddos!
If you use one of these Valentine's Day resources in your classroom, be sure to comment below and let us know what you loved about it. You can shop all of the resources below. Don't forget to tell your kiddos you love them this Valentine's Day!